Chris Hopkins

Candidate for Deputy St. Helier South

I am standing for election for two main reasons, 

  1. I have grave concerns with the way the current Government of Jersey members is behaving, and the poor and protracted decisions they are making. 
  2. I have a great deal of experience of poor ineffective and expensive Governmental practices caused by poor quality, poorly trained senior managers. 

You would all have heard of how you must vote for a political party?  

No party has or can gain a majority therefore every vote for every candidate counts.  


It is my belief that the current rising costs of housing, both to purchase and rent is affecting the thinking of many with regards to other concerns across the Island. 

I intend to address this by pushing the redevelopment of GoJ owned land and buildings that lie empty. 

I will push for the redevelopment of Snow Hill car park; this would be a reasonably cheap way to bring affordable housing into the centre of town. I would put a first floor parking for residents and then a number of floors above for the building of reasonable apartments leading to a bridge access to Fort Regent. 

I believe that there is scope to building both sides of Pier Road car park using one of the upper levels as resident parking with access in both directions to apartments. This would require the moving of the GoJ laboratory building which is in desperate need of new premises which could be moved to the hospital buildings at the old Les Quennvais School as an annexe. These are two easy to repurpose sites and there are many more.      


I believe we should be spending far more on encouraging our young people to stay on the island and reduce the skills drain we currently face through those who attend University and don’t return. Again, this may in part be down to my earlier point on the lack of affordable housing on the Island. The Goj continuously bring in several high value human assets as we have failed for many years to plan progression within the Government. We must get better at developing and trusting our own talent as opposed to hiring expensive individuals from the UK to very little effect. 

The above is already legislation that if fit and capable then they must remain in employment. 


The entire Government is still going through a restructure, Senior management know that this is not working and is just resulting in the generation of more high value external positions. This is costing a great deal of money which would be better spent on training our own residents to fulfil these roles. 

An independent ombudsman needs to be put into place across Government that is only answerable to the SEB so that everybody has access to them.  

This would prevent massive amounts of time and money being wasted on internal investigations which often result in losing valuable staff or paying them off.  

I am on all social media, or email 

Names of Proposers and Seconders

  1. Jayne Hopkins
  2. Rachel Moore
  3. Stephanie Devine
  4. Allan Murray
  5. Margaret Murray
  6. Fabia Ornelas
  7. Margaret Mound
  8. Kiara Brennan
  9. Luke Pitman
  10. Paula Nixon