Emily Joseph

Candidate for Connétable in St. Lawrence

I believe that our parish system has the opportunity to offer a lot more in the 21st century. 

With rising costs and global uncertainty we need to strengthen our communities at the local, parish level. To do this I will be organising many new events and initiatives for all ages in our parish, bringing people together and offering an open door, supportive policy to help those in need. 

I was raised in the Parish of St. Lawrence, as was my mother before me and I attended Bel Royal school. My (almost) 4 year old twins are at St. Lawrence Primary School of which I am an active member, as PTA secretary. I am in the St. Lawrence Ladies Action Group and help at the Parish market, where the volunteers great dedication has inspired me to want that same sense of community for our future generations and continue the wonderful heritage that is in our unique parish system. 

I hold a degree in International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies and have completed my Masters degree in War and Human Rights Journalism, so have a strong political and economic understanding of the world and more importantly how the global effects us locally. With Brexit, Covid and now the Ukraine situation we are all seeing spiralling costs and I am keenly aware of how these rising costs will effect people. I want to make sure everyone feels listened to and that through building an inclusive parish community, I can convey the needs of all parishioners when voting in the States assembly. 

Keeping our parish beautiful, safe and well maintained in all aspects is my priority, but so are the people in our parish. 

After the last 2 years of COVID, we’ve realised that our mental and social health is just as important as our physical wellbeing – with this in mind I would like to provide as many charity and fundraising events, and initiatives to bring Parishioners of all ages together, to feel included in Parish life. 

Initiatives I would put into place are; 

A community garden -providing green fingered parishioners of all ages, including our schools, to partake in growing fruit, vegetables and flowers, having access to community grown produce and using surplus to support the future school dinners programs, sheltered housing and other community events in the parish. 

To provide more fundraising events throughout the year such as, an Easter egg hunt, a summer fete, a parents night out, a Christmas Party and many more social events. 

I intend to open an art space, supported through unwanted donated art supplies, to encourage all ages in our community a free space to create. Art in all forms brings people together and has great mental health benefits. 

I will also be reviewing how to make our roads safer for pedestrians and tackle speeding issues in our Parish. 

Furthermore I would like to harness the use of social media to keep parishioners updated on what is happening in our parish. 

Please use your vote 

Names of Proposers and Seconders

  1. Geoffrey William Fisher
  2. Elizabeth Clark Fisher
  3. Henry George Coutanche
  4. Susan Paula  Emmanuel
  5.  Clare Natalie Ormsby
  6. Joel Freire
  7. Carole Ann Luke
  8. Brian Moody
  9. Mary Moody
  10. Scott Andrew De Jersey Douglas