It has been a privilege to serve as a Deputy in St Saviour District no1 where I live and am part of the community.
My family has been in Jersey since the 1700s. I have a joint social sciences degree from Plymouth University.
Since election I have been Chairman of the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel, Vice-Chairman of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel, a member of the Chairman’s Committee and Planning Applications Panel. I am Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee (“PPC”).
PPC changed the Elections Law simplifying elections and enabling more of the electorate to vote.
We changed the standing orders of the States Assembly making its workings more efficient and flexible. We attempted to give the public their say on the Clothier Report but unfortunately the States Assembly decided upon the forthcoming referendum.
Planning Applications Panel
When reviewing applications I seriously consider the impact on the community and am strict in safeguarding our green zones. I believe that applications should be in keeping with the character of the area in accordance with the Island Plan. I strenuously opposed development of the Longueville Nursery site which remains a green zone.
I chaired the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel and as a result extra provision for children with severe autism was created.
In co-operation with the Chairmen of the scrutiny panels the 3 year spending plan was reviewed and we advised that the predicted forecasts would result in a deficit which is now £95 million. This should have been avoided had the States supported our amendments to reduce public expenditure.
Road safety
I campaigned for crossings on Longueville and Bagot Road. Funding has been set aside for this project for 2015.
Local Schools
I assist local schools with their citizenship programme and attend their events regularly.
States Assembly
Representing my constituency is a great responsibility which is reflected in my 100% voting record.
States Funding
I am strongly opposed to GST and continue to fight against any increases.
I advocate lifting the Social Security ceiling on contributions as payments are not proportional, having a greater impact on low and middle income earners.
I support the digital integration of States facilities to create greater efficiencies and cost-saving across all States Departments.
Fort Regent
I support investment in Fort Regent, particularly in resolving the access issues and encouraging a greater use of the site.
I continue to campaign for an immigration “points” system, bringing in only the skills we need.
Small businesses & diversification
I will continue to support small local businesses: through waiving fees paid to the States, developing Social Security assistance and tax incentives.
I support diversification, particularly Digital Jersey.
Affordable housing
We should reintroduce the States deposit loan scheme.
The Education Department must recruit and retain specialist teachers. This is achievable by offering grants to local graduates to encourage them to take particular courses, followed by a guaranteed job.
Digital skills are essential for employment and should be consistent throughout our schools.