I have been your Deputy in District One working on your behalf for the past 14 years working with the Constable and Municipality on many issues, including keeping St Helier’s Rates as low as possible.

  • Concerns of the Roads Committee and residents inspired me to take the Police Station Debate to the States, NOT to build this in Green Street Car Park.  I am still convinced this is the wrong site so the challenge goes on!
  • Recently I was approached by residents living in the north of Town with concerns that Gas Place and Ann Street Brewery sites are going to be overdeveloped with little parking.
  • Building high and packing people in does not address housing problems, nor is it a pleasant experience for children. I helped residents form a group who have organised a petition. I also sit on the Harve des Pas Improvement group where speeding and traffic are issues.


Helping many in the District with everyday queries with Housing, Income Support, Health and other problems is also a large part of my varied work.

  • As an Assistant Minster at Health & Social Services I have been progressing a new Hospital and a Sustainable Primary Care system, to allow affordable access to a Doctor, Dentist and other Health care for everyone. Both these need to be designed specifically for JERSEY.
  • Working with Hospice to extend their excellent services that deliver end – of- life care for all with dignity.
  • A member of the Ministerial Oversight Group chaired by the Chief Minister looking at policies to avoid duplication.
  • A member of the Board of the Jersey Employment Trust which finds Islanders with special needs meaningful work.
  • In June I took a Proposition for children who have a severe disability giving them back a benefit in their own right. This was overwhelming supported and will be implemented on 1st January 2015.



Your Government cannot tackle the above in isolation. Our population is now around 100,000. Ministers should examine all decisions made on population and know the impact these will have on Island life.

  • More people means less open space–expanding Schools–bigger hospital, building in green fields, more traffic and waste.



We have an excellent Education system; many achieve good grades.

  • I support vocational courses at a much earlier stage and the Advance to Work scheme and want to see both expanded.
  • More money for skills and training, supporting real apprenticeships, not just paying employers to take the unemployed.
  • Training more un-employed in Construction and IT.


Investment in youth now, means less imported skills in the future.

  • Your money should be spent on supplying essential public services. It is YOUR POUND we spend.
  • GST is on all goods including heating and food: I will fight against a rise of GST on food as long as I am in the States.


If re-elected

  • I will remain contactable.
  • Work hard for you, make no fancy promises.
  • Give you effective representation in the Parish and States.