Dear Parishioner,

It has been an honour to represent you over the past three years. As I seek your vote for re-election I have laid out my thoughts on a number of issues, so that you can understand what my priorities are and where I stand . I will issue more information with greater detail, please feel free to contact me to discuss any matter further.


Since election I have held regular surgeries at the Parish Hall. I intend to continue with these sessions. The caseload has been varied and I hope those I have assisted so far will agree that I don’t give up easily. My motivation is to improve your quality of life.

Our young 

I have been working with the Constable, Youth Club and various bodies to agree a place for young people to meet and safely enjoy activities such as skate boarding and football. I will continue that work and make it happen.

I’m concerned that many young people lack direction and/or the belief that they can achieve great things. I believe in them and will support them in gaining confidence and fulfilling jobs by championing education and training opportunities.

And older folk

The introduction of Long Term Care has helped to secure many people’s futures. I would support further efforts to ensure that those who work hard and save are rewarded in retirement. I support improvements to respite services for those caring for loved ones.

Our countryside

As a farmer’s daughter I understand how important it is to preserve our wildlife and biodiversity, whilst allowing a rural economy to flourish. However, as an island we have a need for more affordable housing. I support sensitive development on brown field sites, as well as energy efficient projects.


As Chairman of the Health, Social Security & Housing scrutiny panel I have built up considerable knowledge in this area. There are many challenges ahead; we have to figure out how to make primary healthcare accessible to all and ensure the new hospital is built within a reasonable time frame. There is also much work to be done with regard to supporting those with mental health issues and social issues, particularly young people who self harm


We derive great benefits from being a low tax jurisdiction, I believe in striking a balance between encouraging economy and providing excellent public services. I value agriculture & tourism as well as new and emerging industries.

Pride in Jersey 

I believe in conducting our States business with courtesy and respect.  I am proud of our island and the achievements of its people. I am forward thinking and work to ensure a diverse and rewarding future for all.


I am married to James and together we have two boys.

We are grateful to my supporters, in particular my proposer, Julie Rabet and seconders Teresa Bonn, Carmel Butel , Nigel Hurst, Kristina Le Feuvre, Roger Le Gros, Darren Quenault, Jimmy Simon , Jon Welsh & Martin Willing.