Having completed another term as Senator serving our community I am pleased to have been asked by constituents to continue.
Our island has experienced an economic downturn and unusual unemployment levels. These challenging times require clear thinking and appropriate decision making, qualities I hope I have shown.
For the last six years as Assistant Chief Minister working closely with the Chief Minister I have undertaken and completed several significant complex projects.
Previously as Social Security Minister I showed strong leadership transforming the benefit system and introducing work place protection for both employees and employers. I increased the subsidy for primary health prescriptions, a decision I will defend. Free prescriptions have helped many people in our community.
The Social Survey showed that 77% of islanders considered that population is a priority, however views across our community vary widely from “closed door” to “unlimited business licences”. The Interim Population Policy approved by the States seeks to balance the demands of the island. The new States will need to incorporate the views of islanders when finalising the new framework which includes all aspects of island life, environment, economy and community. When consensus has been gained regarding the future of our island we will then understand what skills and size of population is needed. The Control of Housing and Work Law which I guided through the States will be enhanced to meet our community aspirations.
Leading the debate of the Charities Law was a pleasure because it was enthusiastically welcomed by the voluntary and community sector and I hope to progress the next phase of the law.
Chairing the new Adults Policy Group focusing on safeguarding is an additional important focus of my work.
If elected I want to ensure that an inclusive equality strategy for people with disabilities is finalised, to progress the new Mental Health and Capacity Law and to conclude the complex Access to Justice Review, including implementing recommendations.
As President of the Jersey Sports Council I know that next year is an important year for our sports people, I will do all I can to ensure that the NatWest Island Games are successful.
Whilst a great deal has been achieved there is still much to do. Our island businesses need a fiscal and regulatory environment which encourages growth. It must not be forgotten that wealth generators pay taxes to fund the services our community require however controlling the level of taxes must be a priority for a stable and prosperous economy.
Since my last election I have been awarded an MBE for services to people with learning disabilities and the community. I have been successfully treated for cancer and significantly I am now a grandfather. All these life changing experiences make me even more enthusiastic and determined to serve our island, to ensure that our future is protected and enhanced for generations to come. I cherish and want to protect our island culture, environment and traditions. I am grateful for the support I receive from our community.