Dear Parishioner,
I am standing because I believe that I can help make Jersey a place which is more inclusive and which empowers all residents. I also believe that I can contribute positively to the politics of the Island which is my permanent home. I want to represent the district that I live in.
Working for St. Helier:
- Achieve a fairer deal for St Helier – this would include trying to end St Helier paying for services which other parishes do not pay for, i.e. maintenance of parks and children’s playgrounds.
- Secure funds to improve community services and reinvigorate public spaces.
- Improve pedestrian safety in St Helier – this would include supporting the Constable’s proposed traffic calming measures and building pavements in specific areas.
- Develop community hubs -with clubs and social groups for all ages, in highly populated areas like La Pouquelaye, West of town and First Tower, to decrease the isolation experienced by young parents, the elderly, the disabled and other vulnerable groups.
Working Islandwide:
- Equality of opportunity for all residents. I strongly believe that together we can make a difference in our community and economy by supporting every man and woman and enabling them to contribute to their potential. We are stronger together.
- Policies which create greater economic and political diversity.
- Social inclusion of immigrants who are already residents of Jersey – they should be seen as a resource and not a burden to help improve our economy and society.
- Help for parents return into work. I have many ideas, for example, to help “mompreneurs” – mothers who start their own small businesses. We should also increase Nursery Education Fund payments in line with inflation/cost of living is important.
- Accessibility of primary healthcare for all with special attention to the most at risk members of our society (children, pensioners, the disabled and people with mental health issues).
About me
I am British Israeli, born in Kazakhstan. I have lived in St Helier for nine years with my Jersey-born husband David and our two-year-old daughter Mia. I qualified as Jersey Bronze Badge tourist guide when I first moved here in order to find out more about the history and heritage of our beautiful Island.
I originally trained as a social worker. I then moved into business and, for the last 20 years , I have been a self-employed management consultant, working with international businesses, goverment organisations and educational institutions to improve their efficiency and team dynamics. I am the director of two small Jersey businesses; one in retail and one in tourism.
I intend to hold regular surgeries to discuss your concerns and use my business skills to find solutions.
I believe a successful and flourishing Jersey is based on the collective effort, contribution and goodwill of the business sector, the government, charities and all permanent residents.
I strongly believe in our community working together.
Jersey is big enough to be diverse and small enough to be a caring community.