I’m Linda Dodds, I live in St Helier and I’m standing as an Independent candidate for Deputy in District 2.
Initially training as a Mental Health Nurse, I raised a family, achieved a degree in Social Policy then qualified as a Social Worker. For 25 years I’ve worked alongside families, for the NSPCC, Barnardos and Social Services; seeking solutions, inspiring possibilities, developing policies and new services. Three generations of my family live, work and study in Jersey.
Closer links are needed between St Helier and our government. Working together we can develop a vibrant town centre and improve our district, while furthering our efforts towards a sustainable environment.
Focusing on solutions and working cooperatively within the Assembly, with our Constable and fellow Deputies, I will generate and build links. To ensure I can represent your views effectively I’ll hold regular ‘surgeries’ and seek ways of increasing your involvement.
We need a strong, stable, diverse economy with policies that protect our valuable financial services and grow the exciting tech sector to secure the jobs of the future. Outstanding services need a robust economy. My research indicates that we need to increase productivity and review our taxation and Social Security systems, ensuring fairer contributions for all. We can be prosperous and eradicate poverty.
Children and Families
We need to implement the recommendations of the Care Inquiry and I’m committed to ensuring this happens. Our children must be heard and be at the heart of all policy-making as in the core principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
My pledges are:
- Affordable, better childcare
- Improved, affordable healthcare especially mental health,
- Equality in education
- Diverse employment opportunities,
- Effective safeguarding
- Sufficient, affordable, quality housing
- Increased transparency
- All children should have the chance to thrive, and reach their potential
The lack of supply affects the costs of all housing. Demand in the private rental sector increases the cost of social housing because of the 90% rule. We need to increase the supply of all kinds of housing, but with thoughtful planning. More support is needed for first time buyers whilst those without housing qualifications need greater choice and better quality homes.
Our elders need flexible, affordable accommodation, adaptable to the changing needs of an aging society. I will seek solutions to ensure more choice.
We need a sustainable, controlled population policy, which reflects our gaps in skills. Targeted migration can help businesses grow while we extend opportunities for training locally. We must encourage our skilled young adults to remain or return here after completing their education, and qualifications. I will explore options for affordable independence for young people.
Together we can build a vibrant, successful, fairer community for all, but especially our children. Safe places to play, learn and work together and particularly making full use of the wonderful opportunity to expand Millennium Park.
Vote Dodds for a fairer, more caring, sustainable and prosperous future A new Jersey way