Dear Voter,

I am standing in this election for Deputy to represent the residents of St. Helier No. 2 District and to build on the work of my Reform Jersey colleagues. Together we offer a set of considered, coherent and costed policies that will address the growing inequality in the island and improve the standard of living for all islanders.

My Background

I have a science degree from Sussex University and have a postgraduate qualification in Science Teaching plus 25 years of teaching experience. I am currently head of department and teacher of Science and Psychology. I am the proud father of two children who were educated in Jersey and are currently at university in the UK.

As President of the Jersey branch of the National Education Union, I have represented the interests, both individual and collective, of education professionals. I led the successful campaign to stop cuts to Newly Qualified Teachers salaries and against cuts to education funding.

Key Policies

I firmly believe that education is the key to the future economic and social well-being of Jersey. Cuts to Education damage children’s futures. I will ensure that there is sufficient long term funding for the education and skills training of our future generations. A well-educated population is essential to raise the standard of living for all islanders.

Any reform of public services needs to deliver better services for islanders and protect and improve working conditions for our highly committed States workers. We need to stop wasteful spending on consultants and senior civil servants. Excellent public services benefit us all.

I support

  • The introduction of a single rate of income tax, reducing the tax bill for taxpayers on low and middle incomes.
  • The removal of the cap on social security contributions
  • Sensible rent caps on private and social rents
  • The wider adoption of the living wage by companies
  • 6 months statutory maternity leave and extending parental leave to give our children the priority they need.

We have a moral responsibility to maintain a sustainable population built upon a skilled and well paid workforce who have dignity in work, and the opportunity to contribute to the success of the island. We should celebrate and respect our island’s cultural diversity.

St. Helier, and No.2 District in particular, has borne the burden of large-scale development as we seek to house our ever-growing population. I will fight to ensure that we are not subject to “town cramming” and that enough green and amenity space is provided by developers.

We need to be proud of St Helier as our capital and have its resident’s wellbeing and living standards at the centre of its priorities. Together we can rid our capital and our island of growing poverty and division in our society. You have an opportunity to support this change on May 16th.

Vote for a truly accountable representative you can rely on to deliver. Vote Rob Ward and Reform Jersey.

See more details on Facebook @voterobward. Twitter @voterobward.