Dear Elector,

My name is Samantha Morrison. I am a Jersey born, married mother of 4, standing as a St Clement Deputy Candidate for Reform Jersey. Some of you may know me as the founding Administrator of Jersey Ask Advise Advertise.

Having lived in the parish for nine years, I am aware of the struggles many of us face and the importance of having approachable and understanding representation.

If elected, I will be offering regular drop-in surgeries, as I believe everyone deserves to have their voice heard, irrespective of their financial circumstances or social standing. Respected politicians, must engage with the public frequently. False promises and empty words are easy to say, but it is the actions that follow an election that really count.

Reform Jersey understands the importance of standing up for the vulnerable, reducing poverty and making our island a fairer place for all. With our carefully costed Manifesto, we are committed to serving our island with social policies and making sure all voices are heard. As a member of Reform Jersey I will stick by our declared pledges.

Whilst I encourage the building of affordable family homes, St. Clement has already taken more than its fair share of housing developments. I believe the time has come for other parishes to step in and share the burden.

As the mother of a child with multiple complex needs, I have over 10 years of personal experience in dealing with our mental health system and understand the importance of being able to access prompt, regular, non-judgmental support. I firmly believe Jersey needs more investment in Mental Health. If elected this will be high on my agenda.

It is no secret that many of us have been shockingly failed by members of our government who were voted in to represent us. The Voice of the ordinary islander has become lost in a sea of voices for the privileged. This cannot be allowed to continue.

My personal challenges have equipped me with strength, passion and empathy. We need more of these qualities within our elected government. Although I do not have a University degree, I have valuable life experience which I am able to draw on to help others.

I believe learning is a lifelong journey. With this in mind, I would like to see more affordable opportunities offered to adults wishing to gain a qualification, including those returning to work whilst raising children. At mainstream secondary level, I believe there needs to be more support for children with complex needs. This includes clearer channels of communication between teachers, pupils and parents and the acceptance of “Mental Health Days” for vulnerable teenagers.

This forthcoming election is your opportunity to vote for change. The future of our island lies in your hands.

Casting your votes for me, Samantha Morrison, and Reform Jersey, will help to ensure your voice is heard.

For care in the community, accountability and equality for all, please vote for the team, vote Reform Jersey.