I’m a town resident who is passionate about our environment, our community and our future and I believe our town deserves better from our politicians.

I want to offer my energy, enthusiasm and experience as one of our representatives and represent you in the States Assembly.

Richard Rondel, whose untimely death has caused this by-election, was an excellent Deputy who understood the value of that community and worked tirelessly to support it and to represent your interests in the States.

I am putting my name forward and asking for your vote because I want to continue that work and believe I can make a contribution to the future wellbeing of the residents of St Helier and of Jersey.

I am a 50-year-old father and grandfather who worked for many years in print and broadcast journalism in Jersey.

My personal experience of disability following a stroke ten years ago has shown me the very best of Jersey as a society and a community – but I know that we can do more.

What I believe in:

I believe in equality in society and I want to see Jersey continue to progress.

I want education and training opportunities for all our young people to give them a fair chance.

I believe in the importance of our natural and built environment for all of us.

I want more affordable housing for young families struggling to get on the ladder.

I believe in sustainable population controls balancing economic and environmental needs.

What I am promising you:

I’ll take a proposal to the States to take GST off food.

I’ll fight development in this district that puts more pressure on parking and open spaces.

I’ll work hard to promote more cycle paths and traffic calming in the district.

I’ll work hard for you and answer your questions honestly.

I’ll propose a new hospital at Overdale or by combining the existing site with Parade Gardens.


Age: 50

Education: St Mary’s Primary School, Les Quennevais and Hautlieu (Head Boy, 1986/87)

Employment: Jersey Evening Post (reporter, news editor, assistant editor), Channel 103 (news editor)

Post-stroke: Raising awareness of (and hundreds of thousands of pounds for) stroke survivors and the Jersey branch of the Stroke Association; walking the 2010 Jersey Marathon over six days; taking part in the 2012 Olympic Torch relay; leading a group of more than 100 Islanders who cycled from London to Paris in 2012; running half the Jersey Marathon in 2015; sitting on the Jersey committee of the Stroke Association, Driving for the Disabled, Enable Jersey and Beresford Street Kitchen; writing a monthly JEP column focusing on disability issues; keynote speaker at the 2018 CI Equality and Diversity Awards.

Family: Three sons: Rhys (24), Joe (11) and William (6), and two grandsons.

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