Please Vote Peter Troy for Deputy
Peter is 55 years of age and has been married to Dawn for 33 years and they have two adult children. Peter was educated at De La Salle College and Highlands College where he obtained an HNC in Business Studies.
Peter is passionate about Politics. In fact you could say that it’s in his blood. He represented the Parish as Deputy for 9 years voluntarily stepping down as Deputy for family reasons.
Following a six year break from politics, Peter has decided to seek a return to public office having been approached by a number of parishioners who would like to have the choice of an experienced, effective and common sense candidate.
Peter’s sensible middle ground approach to politics is sorely needed, particularly at a time when the Island is facing serious economic and social challenges, notably the requirement to bring public spending back under control whilst maintaining core services and protecting the most vulnerable in our community.
Peter has long campaigned for transparency in government and has previously brought many successful propositions to the States.
As Deputy, he worked as part of a team that secured free parking for shoppers at Les Quennevais and In response to being contacted by parishioners, Peter instigated disabled friendly pavements from Red Houses to St Peter’s Garden Centre by working with Transport and Technical Services. He also worked with the Youth Project Leader to put the St. Brelade Youth Club on a secure financial footing.
If elected, Peter wants to support the building of a new Les Quennevais school, subject to full consultation with parishioners, especially in regard to transport ant traffic issues, he wants to see real cuts in public spending, help for young people buying homes, and elderly care and disability care prioritised for additional support.
Peter does not support new hospital facilities built over two sites and feels that a new Hospital should be built on a purpose built site on the fringes of town or on a main route location.
Peter is concerned that proposals for the Fort Regent development will end up costing the tax payer a considerable sum of money, and that there will be little benefit to the community. We need to evaluate the scheme carefully before proceeding. Peter would like a Public/Private partnership in place where businesses inject funds into the scheme so that the Government is not holding all of the risk.
Peter enjoys walking in St. Ouen’s Bay and feels that we need to protect our coastal environment from destruction.
Peter has an exceptional track record in Politics and is caring and compassionate, he was born in the Parish and lives at Petit Port, Peter cares about St. Brelade and loves living in the Parish. He hopes that you will give him your support.
Ron Satchell
Mary Langlois
Marguerite Calderbank
George MacRae
Lesley Bratch
David Steven Le Marquand
Elizabeth Lambotte
Keith Syvret
Amelia Mathys
Reginald Langlois
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