Dear Voter,

I am standing in this election for Deputy of St. Helier No.1, as a Reform Jersey candidate.

I believe that this coming election will be one of the most crucial in our history and represents a golden opportunity to finally get our politics and economy working in the interests of our community and the greater good.

I believe that Reform Jersey provides the best way forward for us to do this.

About me
I was educated within the British Forces Education System and the English Comprehensive model.

I was lucky enough to attend schools all over the world, which gave me a great appreciation for many different cultures and also the ability to adapt quickly to the constantly changing social environment.

I finished my education at an English Comprehensive in Oxfordshire in 1976 with 5 O Levels.

I enlisted in HM Forces (ARMY) at 17 and spent the next six years serving my country, including 3 operational tours of active service, Northern Ireland twice and one tour with the UNPKCYP. (United Nations Peace Keeping Force).

I arrived in Jersey in 1986 for a holiday and liked it so much decided to stay! Since then I have worked in haulage, construction, public transport and for the last 16 years have worked for H&SS looking after adults with Special Needs.

My Campaign
I believe that real change is not just possible but is essential if we are to meet the challenges facing us as a community of the 21st century.

The status quo is not an option. In recent years I have watched as things have steadily deteriorated for a great many people on the island and inclusivity has given way to a polarisation of our society. Jersey now has the highest level of inequality in the UK, whilst the UK has the highest levels in the EU. That is a shocking statistic and an indictment of failed policy. It is unsustainable, and we must turn things around.

Of course, this is a global problem and not unique to the island. Jersey however has a unique system that is set up to serve the interests of the few and not the many. It is up to us as a community that we demand that that changes, and our economy works for the greater good.

From taxation, pay, public services, housing and health we deserve a future that works for all. We have seen in the last few years real hardship and real poverty creep into our Island life for so many. We bear witness each day to more evidence worsening conditions:

  • the advent of foodbanks,
  • rising mental health issues,
  • increasing homelessness,
  • poverty pay, zero hours, job insecurity,
  • substandard housing with crippling rents
  • It is unacceptable, but we can change it. This change is coming,

Vote for me, John McNichol, and my colleagues in Reform Jersey. Together we can build a brighter future for all.