I have had the honour of being your Deputy for the last 9 1/2 years.
I am married with two children and have lived in the district for 41 years.
Among my academic, professional and business qualifications I hold a B.Sc. Economics Honours degree from the University of London. I have had wide experience in the aerospace and construction industries, and worked in the fields of education, youth work and financial regulation.
I was a lecturer in economics, law and banking at Highlands College for 18 years and worked for the Jersey Financial Services Commission for 12 years, where I was responsible for drafting laws to protect your bank deposits if a bank failed; to regulate insurance businesses; and to create a Financial Services Ombudsman scheme. I also worked with, and negotiated with, the other Crown Dependencies and HM Treasury in London.
I have also organized the award winning Jersey International Air Display for 21 years and was responsible for turning it into an international air display that is recognized as one of the best in Europe.
Since entering the States I have played a very active role in trying to hold Ministers and Civil Servants to account and have fought for the ordinary men, women and children of this island rather than vested interests who appear to be directing or supporting the Council of Ministers.
I have fought against the negative “Jersey Way” – the cover-ups and recently the corruption committed by some rogue civil servants who have abused their positions, perjured themselves in court or perverted the course of justice. I want to see these people in the Royal Court for what they have done – financially ruining some ordinary hard working people, causing them mental health problems and almost breaking up their families. I also want to hold to account those who have covered it up or failed to do their duty.
Population growth is out of control and needs to be restricted and work permits without the right to permanently live in the Island introduced.
We need to provide more social and affordable housing – to rent and buy – so that our children can live an independent life in the island rather than be forced to live with their parents or leave the island.
Over the next 5, 10 or 20 years artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics are expected to replace 45% of existing jobs. We must take steps now to mitigate the impact and plan for the future.
Brexit and Artificial Intelligence uncertainty requires major rethink.
We need to up-skill our workforce, assisting all those who wish to train in new fields/trades with financial assistance or courses and not merely fund students going to university. We must embrace life-long learning to adapt to the future and take advantage of any opportunities that may come our way.
We need a fair taxation system and reverse the policy of making the burden fall on individuals, especially middle Jersey, rather than companies.