Current roles: States Member (since 2008); Public Accounts Committee; Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

Political Driver:
I entered politics because I believe it is the role of politicians wherever to help make people’s lives better, simpler and happier.

The only way that Jersey politics can be rescued from the dysfunctional mess it is now is through candidates who are elected on a joint manifesto that has been put to the public and endorsed by the public. This is why I am standing as a member of Reform Jersey, and not as an individual.

All our candidates are committed to improving the standard of living for all, based on a thriving economy and strong public services.

Political achievements:

Working with my three Reform Jersey colleagues, we have had many successes, including:

  • Preventing the abolition of the Pensioners’ Christmas Bonus for the poorest pensioners
  • Achieving free bus passes for disabled Islanders
  • Introducing an Ethical Care Charter for home care
  • Moving Jersey towards a voluntary living wage
  • Securing improved housing standards for all
  • Getting the States to agree to introduce online voting by the next election

The Need for Change
The government of the past four years has let islanders down. It has cut vital services and benefits to many of the most vulnerable, whilst squandering money in other unnecessary areas.

Manual labour jobs which gave many islanders dignity and fair pay were outsourced and replaced with casualised labour and low-pay.

The next 4 years must focus on reversing this damage and building a caring community that works for all islanders – young and old -and where all can achieve their full potential.

To achieve this we need a new government which is capable of delivering an effective social programme with costed policies, to provide effective, affordable health and dental care, better educational outcomes and truly provide for the needs of the aging population – now and in the future.

No candidate can do justice to the electorate in just 500 words. That is why I am signed up to supporting 10 key pledges which are of critical importance to safeguarding quality of life for all islanders. They can be read in detail HEREalong with a full and detailed Party manifesto, on which I stand with 18 other candidates, throughout the island.

If re-elected, I will focus on the key areas of Housing, Health Care and Education, including championing the new Les Quennevais School.

I remain committed to improving the accessibility of primary health care so no-one is prevented from seeing a GP because they cannot afford it.

I will also champion environmental issues in the parish and in the island.

If you live in St Brelade no. 2, please vote for your Reform Jersey candidates: myself, Monty Tadier and Garel Tucker for Deputy; Marilyn Carré for Constable and Sam Mezec for Senator on 16th May.

By voting Reform Jersey you can give Jersey the effective, strong and caring leadership it deserves.