“Putting St Helier First”

My Roots.
I was born and have worked all my life in St Helier. I worked in an honorary capacity for the Parish of St Helier for some 25 years, previously as Chairman of the Rates Assessment Committee, currently on the Roads Committee, Accounts Committee and as a Trustee of the St. Helier Youth and Community Trust. I am Chairman of The West of Town Community Association. Chairman of the Jersey Action Group and founder of Earth Project Jersey.

The Environment.
More needs to be done to protect the Island’s environment. We need a greener, cleaner Island with more open spaces, particularly in St Helier, also more trees, cleaner air and water.

We must have a sustainable population policy. The current growth is unsustainable. We cannot wait for the bubble to simply burst. It is not rocket science to introduce immigration controls, we just need the political will.

Health and a new Hospital.
I am opposed to the Gloucester Street Hospital Development. Its impact on St Helier residents would have done considerable damage to their community. I favour the current proposal for a Health Quarter at Westmount.

With a new Hospital at Westmount, we will need a Hoppa bus service to facilitate access. We should put this service in place for the whole town. Being an Island, our transport links are more vital to us than most communities yet we continually suffer poor transport links, not helped by poor Government policy.

The Economy.
I see diversifying our economy as being vital. We should be rebuilding our tourism industry, using a new sustainable model and encouraging more Tech and IT business.

The dramatic gap between the rich and the poor has been growing. Zero/Ten is now seen as a rod for our own back. Our whole tax system needs a rethink to spread the load more fairly.

The problem that we are facing is not just a shortage of houses but a shortage of reasonably priced rental accommodation.

It is shocking that aspects of the Victorian attitude to children still exists in this Island. Our children are a major asset and will fill the jobs of tomorrow. We need more Investment in education. Training today to reduce immigration for the future.

States properties.
It is a tragedy that buildings like Fort Regent, the Hospital, and numerous States owned properties have been so badly neglected. We must now consider selling off a swathe of these properties in order to properly maintain the important ones which we need to keep for the future.

Senior Citizens.
Topics of concern; Cost of living, specifically the increasing costs of heating, food and rents. Loneliness is a big factor.

My Commitment to you:
If elected I will engage closely with Parishioners by organising monthly drop-ins at various locations in the district on a regular basis where I will be keen to listen to your concerns.

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