Islanders wishing to stand as candidates in next month’s elections are being encouraged to submit their nomination forms next week to the Jersey Electoral Authority (JEA).

Candidates should submit their completed nomination form and associated declarations to the JEA via the States Greffe Information Centre in Morier House between 9am and 5pm from Wednesday 11th May until Friday 13th. The full list of candidates will be announced on on Wednesday 18th May, which will mark the official start of the election period.

Chair of the Jersey Electoral Authority John Everett said “Anyone who is eligible to stand and feels they can make a difference to our Island should do so. It’s important that voters are able to choose from a range of candidates to find someone who best reflects their views and opinions on Island issues and we are keen to encourage anyone considering standing to come forward next week”.

The JEA has been busy working behind the scenes to prepare for the election period and has been issuing election related advice, as well as publishing a Code of Conduct for candidates and their supporters to follow during the election period. “We have already been asked lots of questions by candidates particularly about the way in which election expenses will be reviewed after the election.” Mr. Everett said. “As the expenses submissions will be audited this year, it is important that candidates follow the guidance correctly. We have taken advice and have updated the Code to clarify that election spending includes expenses incurred at any time before the poll for this election on goods or services which are used during the 4 months before election day, so candidates will need to keep a careful record of your spending up to and including election day.”

Anyone who has a question about the elections can email . Information and support for anyone considering standing can be found here Standing in the 2022 Election –