Downloads for Voters
Downloads for Candidates
Guidance for Candidates 2018
(PDF, 254 KB)
Nomination Document for Senator / Connetable / Deputy 2018
(PDF, 278 KB)
Nomination Form for Procureurs and Centeniers 2018
(PDF, 90 KB)
Public Elections (Expenditure and Donations)
(PDF, 440 KB)
DFI Guidelines for Election Advertising
(PDF, 49 KB)
Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2022
(PDF, 768 KB)
States of Jersey Law 2005
(PDF, 658 KB)
Public Elections Regulations 2002
(PDF, 830 KB)
Expenses Form
Register for updates if you're planning to stand for election
As we get closer to the election in 2026, we will provide further information about what is involved in campaigning and how you can be nominated as a candidate. Sign up to our newsletter to be sure that you receive updates. Your name and email address will be held securely by the States Greffe and used only for the purpose of sharing election updates.