2022 Hustings

Hustings are public meetings where election candidates usually give a speech about their views and values, followed by a period of answering questions asked by members of the audience. Hustings are a great opportunity to hear the candidates’ manifestos in person and to ask them questions about the issues you care about.

All of the in-person hustings have been recorded and will be available to watch back on this page and on the Vote.je YouTube channel


Watch back: St Brelade (Connétable) 17/06/22

Watch back: St Mary (Connétable) 16/06/22

Watch back: St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter (Deputies) 15/06/22

Watch back: Trinity (Connétable) 15/06/22

Watch back: St John, St Lawrence & Trinity (Deputies) 14/06/22

Watch back: St Brelade (Deputies) 08/06/22

Watch back: St Helier South (Deputies) 10/06/22

Watch back: St Helier (Connétable) 13/06/22

Watch back: St Helier Central (Deputies) 13/06/22

Watch back: Grouville and St Martin (Deputies) 10/06/22

Watch back: St John, St Lawrence and Trinity (Deputies) 09/06/22

Watch back: St Lawrence (Connétable) 09/06/22

Watch back: St Helier Central (Deputies) 09/06/22

Watch back: St Clement (Deputies) 09/06/22

Watch back: St Brelade (Deputies) 08/06/22

Watch back: St Helier North (Deputies) 08/06/22

Watch back: St John (Connétable) 08/06/22

Watch back: St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter (Deputies) 07/06/22

Watch back: Grouville and St Martin (Deputies) 06/06/22

Watch back: St John, St Lawrence and Trinity (Deputies) 07/06/22

Watch back: St John, St Lawrence and Trinity (Deputies) 06/06/22

Watch back: Grouville (Connétable) 01/06/22

Watch back: St Saviour (Deputies) 25/05/22

Watch back: St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter (Deputies) 26/05/22

Watch back: St John, St Lawrence and Trinity (Deputies) 26/05/22

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